16485 Laguna Canyon Road, Suite 105, Irvine, CA 92618
(949) 646-4325

Nutrient Injection Services

Vitamin Injection Services

At Coastal Acupuncture & Natural Health Center your naturopathic doctor will assess your vitamin status with lab work and thorough history of your diet, lifestyle, sleep quality, stress levels, and risk factors for vitamin deficiencies such as genetic mutations, anemia, high cholesterol, malabsorption, and hormonal imbalance. Vitamin injections are an efficient and effective method for improving energy, mental clarity, metabolism, cardiovascular health, immunity, and mood.

B-12 is an essential nutrient for optimizing the nervous system, metabolism, blood cells, and energy. B-12 helps address B-12 deficiency anemia, fatigue, stress, insomnia, anxiety, depression, brain fog, nerve pain, malabsorption, high cholesterol and high homocysteine levels. Click http://www.coastalacupuncturectr.com/B12%20Flyer.pdf for more info.

Healthy Weight Loss is a mix of amino acids methionine, inositol, choline, and vitamin B12 to improve fat metabolism, regulate cholesterol, balance appetite, boost immunity, improve energy and improve endurance. Healthy Weight Loss Injection is recommended for fat-targeted weight loss, food cravings, fatigue, brain fog, high cholesterol and stress. This injection can be enhanced with additional B-complex vitamins for maximized effect. Please let the practitioner know if you are allergic to Sulfa since Healthy Weight Loss injection is not recommended as it may trigger allergic reactions.

Specialized Injections below may be prescribed and ordered for you by your practitioner.

B-6 is a key nutrient for fat and protein metabolism and neurotransmitter production. It facilitates to balance hormones and its anti-inflammatory property may help reduce some arthritis related symptoms as well. B-6 helps with pregnancy-related nausea, fatigue, stress, anxiety, depression, high cholesterol and high homocysteine levels.

B-Complex is a mix of 7 important B-vitamins, B1, B2, B3, B5, B-6, B-9 and B-12 that work synergistically to support the nervous system, immune system, red blood cells, liver detoxification, and metabolism. Patients who experience malabsorption, fatigue, stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and weight gain benefit greatly from B-complex injections.